Nesch Mintech has comprehensive expertise and technology to design the tailings dams for your mine. The design and management of a tailings storage facility (TSF) is mainly a function of the material properties of both the tailings waste and the containment dam. The design of the facility is preceded by a thorough testing program which includes the study of chemical and physical properties of the materials. Nesch Mintec is proud to have certified engineers who are capable of designing and setting up tailings dam facilities for appropriate storage of mine wastes.
International best practice guidelines for tailings and waste management stipulate that storage facilities are designed, operated, closed and rehabilitated to ensure performance that meets strict technical and environmental criteria. Based upon years of operational and design project experience, Nesch Mintec has developed a framework of management principles and checklists for implementing these activities throughout the entire mine life cycle. Tailor engineered solutions and geotechnical investigations to the complexity and risk rating of the project, to provide the required information for detailed design and project decision-making. We apply appropriate tailings and waste management solutions from conception to closure which integrate geotechnical site investigation, seismic assessments, physical and chemical characterization of waste materials, hydrogeological studies, stability analysis, construction scheduling, tails disposal and piping design, environmental permitting, and closure and rehabilitation planning.