by nesch | Feb 28, 2021 | BLOG
Nesch Mintec provides comprehensive analysis of results from metallurgical test-works that support the development of innovative and cost-effective metallurgical flowsheets for specific ore bodies. We offer process plant design or plant modification services for...
by nesch | Feb 28, 2021 | BLOG
When a company wants to submit a mineral sample for examination, it is necessary to handle the sample properly and ensure that all procedures are completed in a timely manner. Sample receiving is done at the receiving bay of the laboratory and the samples are usually...
by nesch | Feb 28, 2021 | BLOG
Nesch Mintech has comprehensive expertise and technology to design the tailings dams for your mine. The design and management of a tailings storage facility (TSF) is mainly a function of the material properties of both the tailings waste and the containment dam. The...
by nesch | Jan 29, 2019 | BLOG
Nesch Mintec carries out a wide range of hydrometallurgical test-works to ascertain the extractability of minerals using aqueous solutions. The following services are offered; Bottle roll leach tests, Cyanidation tests (CIL, CIP, CIS and Merrill Crowe processes),...